Introducing our latest Equinix IBX data center: SE3 in Seattle!

Introducing our latest Equinix IBX data center: SE3 in Seattle!



Our brand spankin’ new state-of-the-art data center is opening its doors today, this time in the heart of the United States’ northwest – Seattle, Washington. (See photos here) Home to such companies as Microsoft, T-mobile and Amazon, as well as and up-and-coming companies like Blue Box, Seattle is truly the gateway from North America to Asia-Pacific.

Adjacent to Equinix’s SE2 data center located in the Westin Building carrier hotel, this new IBX rocks 18,000 square feet of data center space and capacity for more than 1,000 cabinets. To find out more, I sat down with Equinix’s Director of Americas Marketing Jim Farmer to tell us more about Equinix’s SE3 data center.


Why is Seattle such an important place for a brand new data center?

There’s three reasons: The biggest reason is that it’s home to the cloud and content for the Pacific Northwest. There are very large corporations that are globally known headquartered in that region. The second part is that it’s an aggregation point of network, cloud, and content for the northwest. Third point is that it’s your gateway to and from the Asia-Pacific markets.

We already have a data center in Seattle, why expand?

SE3 is an extension of our existing data center in the Westin Building. We’ve had increasing demand in the Pacific Northwest, particularly in Seattle. There’s ecosystems thriving and growing – that’s why we continue to invest in that market.

Why is the Westin Building so significant?

It’s a legacy collocation facility and home to our SE2 data center. A lot of networks are populated there at SE2. They have very easy access to our customer base in SE2 and now SE3. It’s a natural migration for them to be interconnected in our new building of SE3.

Why go with Equinix in Seattle?

Simple: Platform Equinix! SE3 being our newest crown jewel of 97 data centers around the globe. If you look at others who sell collocation services – no one has the global reach, or our ability to scale, or the way we can service customers, globally.

How does SE3 differentiate itself from some of our other IBX’s?

SE3 is just a cross connect away from SE2. We have a thriving ecosystems that’s there today, especially in the cloud and content space. All being serviced within that those ecosystems by many of our local, metro and global networks. A combined total of more than 80,000 square feet of gross space. We have the ability to continue to expand in support of the Seattle market demand for “top-shelf” data center solutions.

Who would be interested in SE3?

Companies who need access to the global internet pipe, which the majority of that traffic flows through our global IBX’s. Companies who are looking for growth opportunities within our ecosystems. Companies who expect quality, ability to grow and scale. Whether you are a corporate executive responsible for managing the business or an executive responsible for running the business….when you lay your head down on that pillow at night…you’re able to go right to sleep because Equinix is working for you!

Equinix is the epicenter of connectivity and SE3 is the gateway to Asia-Pacific.

Want to learn more about SE3? Visit


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