How Digital Inclusion is Transforming the World

Brandi Galvin Morandi
Sujata Narayan
How Digital Inclusion is Transforming the World

According to Internet Live Stats, only 40% of the world’s population has an Internet connection today. And we are not just talking about rural Africa or Asia ̶ even in urban America, entire communities are excluded from gaining access to computers or the Internet due to economic, cultural or other conditions. Also, in many “connected” areas, digital access is not equally available to everyone, in particular women, children and the disadvantaged.

Global digital inclusion changes all of this. At Equinix, we believe digital inclusion is needed everywhere, and we see abundant opportunities to enable global digital access to connect the world. Just as inclusion has increased the diversity of many businesses and led to better boardroom decisions, digital inclusion can have global impact and value by amplifying a diversity of voices and enabling them to be heard by millions of people. Whatever the context ̶ business, social, or political ̶ connecting and strengthening these often marginalized voices has tremendous impact and relevance in improving our world.

Equinix Impact Program

As a global interconnection and data center company, we feel a responsibility to promote equal-opportunity digital access to all people. Equinix Impact is focused on maximizing the impact of the global communities and nonprofit organizations we support and helping provide connection at both the digital and human level. We contribute funds to support the digital inclusion programs offered by our Impact Grant recipients and we also encourage our employees’ own volunteerism by supporting them as they make connections to local communities in need.

World Pulse – Empowering women to transform the world

One example of Equinix Impact’s vision is our Impact Grant recipient, World Pulse, a global, online community based in Portland, Ore., that connects and amplifies women’s voices, as well as provides digital empowerment training that results in a substantial impact on the lives of millions women around the world.

In part two of this post we will speak with Jensine Larsen, CEO and founder of World Pulse, about her journey and how World Pulse uses its global network and digital empowerment training to enable women to transform their lives and, ultimately, the world.


Photo: ©Corbis Scott Stulberg

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Brandi Galvin Morandi Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Legal Officer, General Counsel & Secretary of Equinix.
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Sujata Narayan Director, Community Impact
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